Marketing Outsourcing in Europe

Outsourcing in Poland

Poland is on the 1st place in Europe, on the 9th place worldwide (Kearney) and on the 3rd place worldwide (Cushmann and Wakefield), classified as the best outsourcing location.

Cost Saving Destination

“Low costs, fluency in languages and IT are making Poland a prime location” “More than 100 investors, most from Europe, have been drawn by business-friendly legislation, low labour costs and the 10 per cent flat tax that Poland offers foreign companies.” (Financial Times)

Quality Professionals

Poland digital market is equipped with well-educated professionals of high expertise in the business environment. Professional agencies with built-in know-how connected to the global markets. Read more about Polish business environment.

If implemented correctly, outsourced marketing can deliver significant efficiency gains for organizations large and small. It can keep fixed costs lowincrease the speed at which marketing results are deliveredkeep internal marketing resources focused on high value activities, and help position the company against competitors. Additionally, technology advances and internet connectivity have accelerated and simplified the process of outsourced marketing. As more functions are digitized (such as pay-per-clickcreative, website design, and landing page creation), the ability for organizations to efficiently outsource specific tactics while maintaining the quality of the work has become easier.