SEO Audit​

Auditing the current status of your website’s ranking and SEO performance; traffic analysis.

Keywords Research

What are the trends right now? What are the keywords we can change to beat your competitors?

OnPage Optimization

Website analysis; Improve the content of website’s elements – HTML tags; Meta titles; Page headings; Keyword density; We will develop original content and build stronger internal links.

OffPage Optimization​

Improve brand’s reputation outside your website. Link building from external quality pages and social media presence improvements.​

Reports & Analysis​

Tracking of our work and analyzing results. Analysis on your performance in Google Search Console.

We will firstly work on the implementation of OnPage SEO measures. These are all the parts on your website (such as meta titles, images, keywords definition, description, internal links, etc.) that must be improved for its better ranking in search engines. See also – content creation.

Then to get closer to search engine visibility we will work on the OffPage optimization. This means elaboration on social media profiles, link building and also all that is done outside your website (e.g. leaving comments, writing an article for another blog and many others).